Hello! I'm Davi, or AutiOne as majorly known by people from the Internet.
I'm an autist who managed to get their hyperfocus into technology stuff and eventually started programming and designing because the kiddo was so curious, they self-taught them into doing these.
Curiously enough, I have also been developing an interest in axolotls, specially in the biological manner. They're quite the creatures.
I'm brazilian, and therefore a native Portuguese speaker. Although, I can speak, listen, read and write English decently enough.
Also, if you still haven't noticed, the "Auti" part in my name stands for my autism condition. This name was chosen while I was looking for a new domain and I found the .one TLD and just though that'd be cool with Auti, then boom, AutiOne.
Consider this being some sort of blog, where I post ocasional thoughts and random stuff!
newspaperCheck out my fellow programmer and artist friends. They're nice people and are quite into some subjects I'm also experienced at.
Appearance order doesn't have any meaning here. You're all amazing!
Content and opinions shown might not be, and most likely are not belonging or linked to me. Agreement or endorsement is not necessarily applied, although, they're still nice people.
This is for you who is looking for a portfolio of some sorts regarding my previous works, or for you who is curious to see what this very dissimilar person has done of good throughout their existence, or for you who is either both or none of these.
My projects aren't that popular, so it's likely you haven't seem any of these before, but who knows. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Of course that, any programmer out there will have a bazillion dead projects, being them just for experimentation, or an idea that ended up not taking off, and I'm no exception for that.
I have way more than just these projects, but the ones listed are the ones I considered being my favorites and most well worked on.
If something on this site got you interested in what I do, or you want to stalk me, below you'll have my most used social media accounts and ways to get in touch with me. Beware of randomness.
Sorted by most preferred to least preferred. Click a card to visit the page.
As pretty much any other person you might know, I also have my interests. While most people won't care, I find it nice to have that here.
You are on v7.3.4, and the main changes on this version were: