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article Notes
Hello, world! Again.For the seventh time.
  • calendar_month31 Dec 2022
  • schedule02:00
  • hourglass_empty5 minute read
  • visibility228 views
  • publicPublic
This is an experimental postI'm sorry if anything end up being confusing there, as this post was intended to be for testing of the notes feature. I'm not very used with writing relatively large articles like this, so I might have repeated or contradicted myself a few times. Thanks for your understanding!

Yeah, pretty much what you're used to. Another website. At least, this one tries to be different and better, so it's more reliable and persistent.

Ever since I've rebranded to AutiOne on March 2021, I wanted to seek a good way for expressing my identity online, both for personal and branding purposes, so people could tell at glance and by just snooping a little who exactly "AutiOne" is supposed to be. This is what I'll be telling you here.

Trial and a lot of error

I just think this didn't work out quite well, as I've never really got glad with most of my brand decisions, especially the websites. Just a few days later after the rebranding, the first version of was released, and it was quite simple, having a minimalistic and straight-to-the-point style, giving you the info you needed, with brand easter eggs and a then nice design.

This worked out all right for some time, until things in the site just started to feel off personally, and I just got disturbed. There, v1 just went abandoned and outdated (so much that even my age is wrong) and I got to work on v2, which was intended to be astonishing and revolutionary, for real, that was the thought I had in mind while doing it, but it wasn't an original idea anyway. So now, prepare for my list of why it took me seven iterations to be satisfied enough with a thing that's supposed to be simply informative.

Tranquil once, annoyed ever

I still find amazing the fact that I just couldn't get myself to do something fine and keep it there being. There's always had at least a single little annoying thing off, and it'd always trigger me.

Version 2 was the most hated one, both in my and the public's opinion. It had an ok design, but the user experience was absolutely abominable. My idea for the site was to have it be a chat-like feel, where you started a conversation with "me" every time you visited the site, and this is what broke the experience. While it was nicely done, it was simply not practical to wait three seconds every action you took on the site, just to know a bit more about me or a project, and this made v2 pretty bad, so I took it down a week later.

Now for the one you were probably the most familiar with, version 3. Neat and minimal layout, with simple tabs and easy access to content, but slow as heck, very JavaScript dependent, and you'd only have the full experience on very specific occasions. While it was very simple and easy-to-use, its structure was not very well-designed and that just made the website experience slightly sucky, even more on mobile devices, of which that site was especially designed to run on.

All the reiterations after v3 just never got finished, version 4 was an attempt of improvement of version 3, keeping its main design language but switching to a full-page layout instead of a tabbed one, version 5 just looked like I was showcasing a Google product, version 6 was unpractical. Ultimately, I've decided to try and chill out on a way simpler attempt this time, and ended up doing v7.

Untouchable and done for

Made during my nerdy period, when I was quite hyperfocused on TETR.IO and spending a lot of time watching documentaries, v7 was the version. Designed to be simple, both for the user and for me to maintain, because as it is quite the point of it, the website's just here to inform people about me, my projects and my recurrent insane thoughts and mind loops, being simple and out of your way while doing that.

Even though I don't want to even think about reiterating my website again, the title is a bit exaggerated, as it's not guaranteed that I won't have problems with Version 7, but it's the one that has performed the best until now. I'll just hope I don't suddenly get annoyed by every single pixel of this version, as right now, I'm really content with the colorful window-y ambience.

In the end, I'd like to thank you for reading this gigantic text wall, and for waiting v7's release (even though, most people probably didn't even care ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) , it's even got this new blog thingy 😀 (yeah, the other ones didn't have that) with nice formatting.

I'll likely forget about this blog in a week, so I wouldn't expect frequent posts. Don't be bummed though, this feature took me some effort I'm not willing to throw away like this, and I ocasionally have some bs to throw here 👍

That's it for now, thanks again, and see ya.